Considering analog...but nervous

Well, I've been here before. Once again, I'm thinking of venturing into the Analog world, but before doing so, I wanted to pose a few questions to fellow agoners to make sure my head (ears?) are in the right place.

Some Background: My current setup consists of a Modwright Transporter, Musical Fidelity KW 500 (hybrid tube pre/SS Amp), and Focal/JM 1027be speakers. My entire current collection is digital and I have NEVER owned Vinyl before NOR have I ever heard a high-end Analog setup.

My Tastes/musical likes: I am all about soundstage and imaging. Vocal accuracy is hugely important and instrument placing (hence, imaging) are part of what I look for when listening. Genre wise, mostly rock, folk, acoustic and blues. Some jazz as well. I generally try to stick to labels that produce good-sounding material...not over-compressed garbage.

On with the questions:

1. One of the biggest things that has kept me from trying Vinyl thus far is the concern of excessive hiss and crackle/pop that vinyl is known for. Is it safe to assume that purchasing new Vinyl and played on a higher quality setup will reduce (eliminate?) the pops and crackle sounds? I have no problem purchasing exclusively new vinyl, knowing full well that the process of shopping used is what draws so many to this market...

2. If I purchase new vinyl, only play it on a decent player, and store it properly, will I still have to clean it? How expensive is a cleaning machine? Are there (reasonable), less expensive alternatives to a cleaning machine?

3. Based on my integrated (tube-pre,SS amp) and speakers, are these a good match for Vinyl? Does anyone know if the KW 500 Phono input is adequate for a good turntable? My digital system has a tendency to be on the bright side for a lot of material, but not everything. Strangly, even at 31 years old, I can still hear up to around 19Khz so I'm a bit picky about the highs...

4. How complicated is the setup of the TT? Being that I've never worked wtih it before, I'm somewhat intimidated by the "setup" requirements of the equipment. What are the core requirements/knowledge to properly setup a TT.

5. And finally, the most subjective question of all. If I had a budget of about $1,000-$1,500 for a TT, Tonearm and Cartridge, what would be a good starting place? I'd obviously be looking for used here from Agon.

I know this was a long post so thanks for hanging in and reading it all :-). Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

'Gh0st......Don't worry about the bread you're spending on equipment. Pretty much all of it is recoverable and you will enjoy the ride along the way. Most of us have taken a similar plunge such as yours. Don't get too hung up on the equipment and upgrades and forget to enjoy the music. Don't over-analyze while listening...just go with it. If you start to over-analyze, you'll wake up $10k-$20k later wondering how you got there. This whole thing is a journey that will never end, if you know that going in, you'll have a blast along the way.

As for your quest for a dedicated phono preamp. Just keep your eye on this forum and continue to post your questions and ideas. You'll continue to get lots of responses that you can sort through that will help you make an informed decision in the direction that you want to take.
$4-5k will get you an outstanding phono preamp, but I believe you can get an excellent phono preamp for half that amount. Buy used if you can, you will be able to try out several units that you can immediately re-sell with little or no loss if you don't like it or if you simply want to try another flavor.

Now start to figure out how to explain to friends how you dropped $6k on a record player. I'm laughing already at their faces of disbelief.
Haha...yea, most of my friends think I'm nuts. Omiting the price, I've mentioned it to a few people who either thought I was loopy or was like "oh, my dad just got a USB turntable that can convert it to DVD!", but said in a way that they're trying to one-up my recent record player since digital is clearly superior to vinyl :-)

I think for a second about explaining how it really is, but then I just feel sorry for them and let it be :-). They are happy in their thoughts and any attempt at explaining the truth is wasted breath.

I have a few others who are eager to come over and hear what a real TT setup actually sounds like, so that should be intersting. Maybe convert a few skeptics???

And then there's one of my co-workers who mutters "snap, crackle, pop" every time I walk past his office. I should also mention that he owns Bose equipment which basically discredits any opinion he has anyway :-)
Most places will take back new vinyl that has problems, yes, but always pay with a card so you can do a chargeback if your seller tries to make you pay for defective merchandise (the law is on your side in most states, but practically speaking, you're not going enforce rights over a transaction of such small value).

Yeah, you can get a superb phono stage and cartridge for a combined $5k!

Colleagues snickering about the analog rig - take pity on the great unwashed and try to educate.
Congrats on a fantastic cliff dive into vinyl. My prediction was for 18 months in so, although we already hit the over, it would be fun to know where things will stand come the fall of 2012. As for phono stages, check out the K&K threads.
Given the current trajectory and level of enthusiasm, no way Fatgh0st makes it to 2012 without upgrading.

The process of "identifying" upgrades is tantamount to deliberating about whether to acquire them.