Schröder Tonearm

Anyone have any thoughts concerning Frank Schröders Tonearms,especially the No 2,now that they have been around for quite a while.
How have they stood the test of time ?
Thanks, Tawa
Dear Syntax, I do love you but disagree about the 'price
issue'. A 'friendly' price will not improve a component
but it feels great.But the price can also hurt. You just bought a tonearm for, say, $ 5000 and then read the next
day in your own forum from your own comember that you actualy bought crap. Even worst. You got your slate plinth,
polished the beauty for two weeks in your garage and even
used some exotic oil to get this greenesh glow ... You don't even need a LP to enjoy your new toy . But then come
some Aussie from some developing country to tell you that
a plinthless TT on 3 spikes a $ 5 each (=$15) sounds much
better. You would wish that this guy lives next door...
While Freud is dismissed in scientific sence all mechanism
that he was talking about start to work. More in particular
the denial: 'Are you serieus? Ever heard about Newton?Where,if I may ask, am I supposed to put my tonearm'? 'In the other galleon perhaps'?
Some chess master put it this way:' a human needs a valve'.
He meant this in the context of an awkward chess position
but I think that this may be valid in general.
So, dear Syntax , being objective or rational is fine but not all the time.

what happened to your system, did you sell it?
I thought you made a foray into computer audio?
Cheers P
Nothing special. Just more into Wiggles & Work these days. Lots of great sound out there.
Dear Nandric,
some Aussie from some developing country
you left out....'3rd world' :-)
Dear Halcro, This is called 'licencia poetica' in order to
emphasize the dramatic impact.BTW there is also some other 'definition' of the '3rd world' made by Frege for the
'world of knowledge' and used as such by Popper. A propos
Frege. His magnum opus (logical fundation of mathematics) was considered as a failure in the 'developed 'countrys for
80 years. Ie nobady was able to find a way out. But some
Aussie logicians /mathematicians ( Boolos) deed. I am well
aware that Australia belongs to the leading countrys in scientific research.