EMT 927 vs. Micro Seiki 5000 or 8000 - different?

Did any one test those machines in the same set up? What was the outcome? Idler-Drive in its best built quality vs. the well rated heavy belts from Japan.
Sounds a bit like back in 1982 when the introduction of the CD was hailed as the perfect sound forever ......
Time went by.
As always.
BTW - did anybody ever noticed, that life itself is full of "noise" and artificial by-products, which most of the time somehow fail to add to the enjoyment ?
Dear Dertonarm, I am not sure if our ears are capable of
ignoring this 'noise' or our psychology? Anyway, avoiding Freud , such kind of of mechanism must have some Darwian fundation.

Dear Nandric, indeed - essential in our modern times and as such a result of evolution and the need to evolve to survive. An bengal phrase says that it is only the most quiet moments that one can hear a divine voice. As there are no more truly quiet moments in our days none such voice can find an ear.
Dear Dertonarm, 'a divine voice' is tribute to your romantic nature but I meant with this Darwian capability
to 'ignore noise' some kind of explanation for the fact
that we are able to enjoy records .

here is some noise. I made it finally, took me 6 months: the Bavarian Voice has seen it`s light...