I maybe wrong but even during the time of these tables production few if any were reviewed here in North America let alone even a brief mention of their existence.
Articles on vintage equiptment it's likely any reviewer today that wanted to write favorable comparison's to the best of today's line up would simply be refused by the editor.
There is no saleable product other then some nostalgic article of some long gone forgotten out of production item.
Eckert your idea for a vintage item magazine I'm sure would be a popular one.
Similar to vintage knob perhaps except with select World wide contributors,time line history data of outstanding components, articles and pictures galore.
Finally, maybe think about NOT having a members blog.
I maybe wrong but even during the time of these tables production few if any were reviewed here in North America let alone even a brief mention of their existence.
Articles on vintage equiptment it's likely any reviewer today that wanted to write favorable comparison's to the best of today's line up would simply be refused by the editor.
There is no saleable product other then some nostalgic article of some long gone forgotten out of production item.
Eckert your idea for a vintage item magazine I'm sure would be a popular one.
Similar to vintage knob perhaps except with select World wide contributors,time line history data of outstanding components, articles and pictures galore.
Finally, maybe think about NOT having a members blog.