Esoteric K-05 or K-07?

Can anyone explain any sonic differences between these two players?

Looking for a lush sound with plenty of dynamics and detail.

@Audiolabyrinth, by spring I'm sure there will be a whole new crop of players on the market to listen to as well. Most companies introduce their new lines at the CES in January. LOL!!

I'm curious as to why you would paint yourself into a corner on the issue of a built in volume control. To me, that is like saying I want to find the best amplifier I can on the market that has a built in volume control. While I understand your phobia for preamplifiers (actually, not really), good volume attenuators can be had for relatively little expense. It just seems to me that you are limiting your choices unnecessarily.
To each their own I suppose. I know we all have our little idiosyncrasies.
Jmcgrogran2, good point about volume attenuators. A few years ago I wanted to experiment going with a pre so I purchased some attenuators that fit right on the balanced inputs of my amp. At end of the day I didn't like the thin sound but it was a cheap experiment. I actually still have the attenuators. Audiolabyrinth, maybe you want to try them out?
@ Jmcgrogan2, Hi, At the cost of Taralabs Zero gold interconnects I have to use a source that has volume control, the Esoteric K-01, k-03 have very good 32 bit volume control going thru a true analog section of the player and a very good transformer, there will be no bit stripping of the signal with such a volume control, Then latter when finances are there I may move to a active pre-amp, However, If it turns out I find a player whether it is Esoteric or others out there that perform to my expectations with the volume, then I would need nothing!, also, with the Esoteric K series, I do not know if you are are aware that I will be able to add a media server and connect it to the esoteric k series if I go that route, a tuner, three complete sets of 24/192 inputs for such componets,, A volume attenuator will in no way compete with what Esoteric is offering for volume control in the K-03, k-01 series of players, they are esentually a digital hub. cheers fellas.
Yashu, sorry for delayed response. Mine is on top of my rack, so I have no issue. However, it never gets hot or even warm, and sometimes I have CD's piled on top. Also, there are no vents on top of the K-03, so I doubt there is any heat dispersion issue on top.

As always, room and system synergy trumps all, so no one can tell you what the Esoteric will sound like in your setup. However, as Guido said, the Esoteric has filters that can subtly alter the sound. And if, like me with my Mcintosh MC452 amp, you have a slightly warmer/lush amp or preamp, the Esoteric might be a good match. However, if, like Kiwi, you like a very lush sound like your old (and Kiwi's own) Cary CDP, which are known to be euphonic, the Esoteric may not be your cup of tea. I will also add that the new K series is definitely warmer/lusher than the old X series, so I would probably discount those comments regarding the X series.

Hope this helps...
Excellent comments Geoff... I discovered something fascinating with my old X-01 during the weekend... The unit had been sitting for a while on Aluminum-ceramic Nordost Sort Kones: yes, the yield a mild enhancement in resolution/imaging over the X-01's integrated footers.

My X-01 feeds a Rowland Criterion, which feeds Rowland M925 monos, feeding Vienna Die Muzik. Wiring is all Aural Symphonics. Titanium-ceramic Kones under amps and preamp.

I have a spare trio of Nordost Bronze-ceramic Kones, for which I have some historical misgivings because of mixed results on a few SS stereo amps, under which I much prefer the extension and sweetness yielded by the Titanium-ceramic variant.

Anyhow, on a lark, I replaced the Aluminum-ceramic Kones under X-01 with the Bronze-ceramic variants: two in front, just behind the integrated footers, and one in the back, just front of the footer.... There was a nice enhancement in imaging, but treble extension seemed to suffer a little bit.... On a further lark, I added just one Titanium Kone 1.5 inches from the front plate, half way between the left and right.... Bingo! The treble reopened up, without any treble excess... harmonic content, and imaging/staging were further enhanced, with the bass range assuming further gravitas... Yes, the word lushius does come to mind.

On one last experimental lark, I switched Kones.... Bronze under Rowland Criterion linestage, and all Titanium (4) under X-01... Ahg, forget lush... Shrill city without depth... Bronze Kones went immediately back under X-01, Titanium under Criterions.... And all's lushly find with the world once again!

Of course, the new K-0X series is not the same as X-01, but I venture to conjecture: a trio of Nordost Bronze Sort Kones spiced up with a single Titanium Kone under the new players may yield some fascinating results.

Saluti, G.