Esoteric K-05 or K-07?

Can anyone explain any sonic differences between these two players?

Looking for a lush sound with plenty of dynamics and detail.

Like some other brands/series, the Esoteric K-0X series can be tuned very much to the particular preference of the user.... no upsampling, 2X, and 4X.... No filtering, FIR1, FIR2, Slow delay 1, Slow delay 2, DSD. Each combination yields a very unique sound that may be prefered over another one.

My own preference is for 4X upsampling with Slow Delay 2... My preferred combination of frequency extension, neutrality, staging/imaging, resolution, harmonic development, and microdynamics, without leading transient emphasis.

And yes, it did take over 1500 hours of break in to get there.

Thankyou Jmcgrogan2 and Tboooe, My quest is going to move forward with the k-03 in mind as with other players with a volume control, I am looking at spring time for a final decision, this way, I will have every opportunity to hear all thats available, After my experiences with digital, It would be a wise choice to take my time and go thru the proposed choices of the audiogon members, which I have huge respect for all of you!,, cheers.
@Audiolabyrinth, by spring I'm sure there will be a whole new crop of players on the market to listen to as well. Most companies introduce their new lines at the CES in January. LOL!!

I'm curious as to why you would paint yourself into a corner on the issue of a built in volume control. To me, that is like saying I want to find the best amplifier I can on the market that has a built in volume control. While I understand your phobia for preamplifiers (actually, not really), good volume attenuators can be had for relatively little expense. It just seems to me that you are limiting your choices unnecessarily.
To each their own I suppose. I know we all have our little idiosyncrasies.
Jmcgrogran2, good point about volume attenuators. A few years ago I wanted to experiment going with a pre so I purchased some attenuators that fit right on the balanced inputs of my amp. At end of the day I didn't like the thin sound but it was a cheap experiment. I actually still have the attenuators. Audiolabyrinth, maybe you want to try them out?
@ Jmcgrogan2, Hi, At the cost of Taralabs Zero gold interconnects I have to use a source that has volume control, the Esoteric K-01, k-03 have very good 32 bit volume control going thru a true analog section of the player and a very good transformer, there will be no bit stripping of the signal with such a volume control, Then latter when finances are there I may move to a active pre-amp, However, If it turns out I find a player whether it is Esoteric or others out there that perform to my expectations with the volume, then I would need nothing!, also, with the Esoteric K series, I do not know if you are are aware that I will be able to add a media server and connect it to the esoteric k series if I go that route, a tuner, three complete sets of 24/192 inputs for such componets,, A volume attenuator will in no way compete with what Esoteric is offering for volume control in the K-03, k-01 series of players, they are esentually a digital hub. cheers fellas.