High output cartridge for 47db phono stage?

This question was probably asked already - but please forgive me.
I am am looking for the cartridge for my pre-amp with 47 db gain phono stage (CJ PV-12). What happens if I put 2.5 mV output cartridge to work (Benz Micro ACE H)? Two weeks ago I would have thought the higher output the better but reading quite a bit of reviews here I can see that this is not always the case. So would it better for the sound if I stick to medium output level then? Say 1-0.8 mV?
Thank you
I think that your range of 1mV-2,5mV cartridges is spot on! Two things come to mind, how quite are your tubes & is the 1mV cart better than the ACE H in quality?
This is only my personal opinion, but it is based on many separate experiences. I have come to prefer the sound of a really good MM or MI cartridge over that of high output MC cartridges as a class. This is not to say that one superb HOMC might not sound better than another very good MM, but it is my general conclusion to the point where I don't bother with HOMCs at all. If you need high output, I recommend you go toward a very good MM or MI cartridge. Remember, an MI cartridge actually has lower moving mass than an MC, especially an HOMC where the cantilever is pushing around a fairly substantial coil. Maybe this is the reason for my observations. Don't really know. For me, its LOMC or MM/MI but not HOMC.
I agree with Lewm. Personnaly I have never understood why there are HOMC carts at all. If you want a HO cart there are many fine MI or MM carts availeble, brands like Grado and Sound Smith come to mind.