Your favourite cartridge

Yes, yes, interactions with other components, synergy, antagonism etc. However, each cartridge has its own voice.
Just mention one.
Haven't heard the referenced Signets...yet, so the best in my experience has been the Technics P100C Mk 4. This observation has suspect credibility however, since my entire experience so far, is limited to MM/MI cartridges. Once I've "done my time" with MM/MIs and feel I have an understanding of what they offer, I'll move on to MC's which I look forward to with great anticipation. My approach may be somewhat eccentric, but I don't at all feel like I'm missing anything. In fact, I'm having the time of my life experimenting with top of the line older MMs, following recommendations made by several folks here as well as others (Raul for sure) in the various analog/vinyl forums. What fun it is to do this and wonder at the same time what magic Moving Coils will bring when their turn comes -bird
Decca, Koetsu, Shelter - heard them in that order but I wouldn't necessarily rank them in that order - in the proper arm and system they can all be outstanding.
Another vote for Benz LP. Having said that, I loved the Koetsu Rosewood Signature I used for 3 years. Not a match for my current system though.