why do Ortofon SPU C from the 50ies sound so good?

couldn't imagine that 60 years old carts from Ortofon sound such superb. But they do. What is the secret behind it?
Dear Thuchan, Very nice story indeed. So those literary talents resulted in an drama in thre acts. But I expected
more info about the quality of the cart itself to found
the statement already entailed in your question 'why do Ortofon SPU...sound so good?' So it seems to be a fact that
thy sound good but you hoped that other may provide the
(additional) explanation. I am really sorry that there is
nobody yet to share your excitement with you. The shared excitement shoud be at least twice as great.
BTW is the 'Voice from Mars' as you hoped for or even better?

Kind regards,
Dear Thuchan, There was an article about 'the new Ortofon'
in Hi-Fi News. If I remember well the Japanese owners deed
no change the 'tradition' of the company. They may still have those 'old-fashioned gatherings' with the old co-workers. If so the personnel department must have a list
of even very old co-workers who may know many details about
their and now your 'babys'. I hope this suggestion make some sense. Regarding the lack of the 'rubber parts' Daniel should be able to explain this because the FR-7 line
is similar in this regard . Or so I thought.

Dear Nandric,

sharing exitement on such vintage items is'nt such easy I guess. I do think that many "of our friends in this special cart field" just read on Audiogon being a little shy to expose themselves with their gear and opinions. I don't mind, it's fine - as long as you stay in this loop :-)

The problem with these old Ortofon carts is also that when they are used with modern tonearms/ tables they do sound a bit sharp and cool. Most people then regard them as being not appropriate for their usage.
... will be continued

best & fun only - Thuchan