A Copernican View of the Turntable System

Once again this site rejects my long posting so I need to post it via this link to my 'Systems' page

I will post photo's of the arm tower as soon as I can and let you know.

If you look at the design of Halcro's armpod, you can see how an off-set mounting hole can allow great flexibility (even more than my current arrangement) for mounting and locating any tonearm. Something for the future maybe.
Dear Lew, I think that an arm pod for a 9'' tonearm is more
difficult to make then for 10'' or 12'' arms; one need to
cut the part near the platter. But more interesting is the
question about the material and construction. On my Kuzma
Stabi Ref. Kuzma used a sandwich of two layers acryl and
one of aluminium between them for the plinth and two layers for the armbase; aluminium (1x), acryl (1x). But for
his XL model he used only brass. The XL is all about the
mass (demping?) but the esthetics was obviosly also important. I wish I could afford one. BTW the TT and the arm pod are seldom offered second hand in contrdisticion to
the linear arm. As I mentioned elswhere my Reed arm pod is
made from different layers : steel (2x);cork (2x); granite
(2x) and acryl (1x). So it seems to me that there are 3
possibilitys: mass demping, no demping and sandwich constructions of various kinds.


I have posted a couple of photo's of the arm tower arrangement under the headings 'Arm Tower AS' on my System page.
My apologies Banquo.

Actually I sort of understand how you feel as I travel between two properties weekly these days and only have vinyl set up at one. My TNT is too cumbersome to move there.

Considering the material needed for an armpod can be picked up, cut and ready to go by evening I am seriously considering another DD unit to set up plintless there with armpod.