A Copernican View of the Turntable System

Once again this site rejects my long posting so I need to post it via this link to my 'Systems' page

I see your reservations and hope you ultimately resolve them to your satisfaction. However, in line with Ct0517's comment, I would stress that your ssuggestion that "our limited knowlege about interactive materials & mechanics & thats the reason we accept the isolation as 'the only way' (but is not the right one)" is off the mark.

No one is suggesting that this is the "only" way. Those of us who have tried it do, however, suggest that it is "THE BEST WAY WE HAVE EVER TRIED AND/OR HEARD."
Dear Geoch
No offence taken.
Life is short and this hobby is one of the avenues that has allowed me get into the right frame of mind to help deal with my real family and work challenges. We have all probably done what others would call "extreme things" in our hobby. I have a problem with speakers. 7 pairs in 3 systems and I just brought home Wayne PK Quad 57's to try out.

Those of us using this approach will not be offended if you try it and do not like it in your set up. We are content. Unless you can suggest a better way and we will be all over it. I know I would be.

When you go to some of these web sites and see what just a couple of manufacturers charge for these isolated armpods. They are thousands of dollars with no cartridge.
Dear Ct0517, I agree in general about the 'extravagant prices' in analog domain but disagree that manufacturers are the primary cause. Those from abroad hardly get 30% of
the selling price. First there is the import duty +VAT,then
the importeur and then the dealer. Above this also the value of the national currency. I got my Reed arm pod for
less then $500 thanks to the EU and absence of dealers.

Dear Nandric - I agree with you - my statement should have been clearer and implied "the end cost to us" when we finally get the product. I realize in a small market like this it must be very difficult for the manufacturers.
An alternative to DIY or a mass manufacturer is locating a local machinist who can do the work. That's what I did. The machinist marks the middle ground between the other two options. My guy didn't charge me much more than the DIY option and mine required much more elaborate machining--it's all in one piece with no separate arm board. Having said that, if I had thought of Ct0517's 'simple' method, I would have probably opted for it. Of course, the simple method requires one to have an arm board, which I didn't have.