Dear Daniel,
I understand your point about 'fixing' the base via tape or blu-tak and that is easy to do.
There is however another philosophy to the 'support' of the armpods.....and indeed the nude TT itself......and that is, to de-couple both elements from structure-borne feedback via the supporting shelf.
I know some folks insist that spikes actually 'couple' rather than 'de-couple' and that 'isolating' feet made of rubber or visco-elastic material are better and there may be some truth in that. Nevertheless, I believe that bolting or fixing the armpods to the substrate without 'decoupling', may cause problems from structure-borne feedback?
It may not be a big deal in the overall scheme of let's keep our minds open :^)
I understand your point about 'fixing' the base via tape or blu-tak and that is easy to do.
There is however another philosophy to the 'support' of the armpods.....and indeed the nude TT itself......and that is, to de-couple both elements from structure-borne feedback via the supporting shelf.
I know some folks insist that spikes actually 'couple' rather than 'de-couple' and that 'isolating' feet made of rubber or visco-elastic material are better and there may be some truth in that. Nevertheless, I believe that bolting or fixing the armpods to the substrate without 'decoupling', may cause problems from structure-borne feedback?
It may not be a big deal in the overall scheme of let's keep our minds open :^)