I don't have suspended wood floors. They are poured concrete with a thin fake wooden flooring cover. The rack in the system page is old. I haven't added pics in a couple of years.
The P3's springs are actually surrounded in an oil solution inside the rubber casing. The resonant frequency of the isolation system is set to be 3-4Hz. The effect is quite different to that of a normal suspended table like a Linn or Thorens. Other P3 owners might attest as to the isolation system's effectiveness.
I don't doubt that if one tried hard enough one might be able to create a 'capture system' as you propose. But the happy effect of mine is that closing the lid while playing often has a salutary effect, and never deleterious.
In Japan, TTs rigidly coupled to wall mounted shelves would be just as affected as rigid floors, like mine, with earthquakes. However, earthquakes/tremors are not the only thing causing building structural resonance, especially in cities. And not just in Japan.
I don't have suspended wood floors. They are poured concrete with a thin fake wooden flooring cover. The rack in the system page is old. I haven't added pics in a couple of years.
The P3's springs are actually surrounded in an oil solution inside the rubber casing. The resonant frequency of the isolation system is set to be 3-4Hz. The effect is quite different to that of a normal suspended table like a Linn or Thorens. Other P3 owners might attest as to the isolation system's effectiveness.
I don't doubt that if one tried hard enough one might be able to create a 'capture system' as you propose. But the happy effect of mine is that closing the lid while playing often has a salutary effect, and never deleterious.
In Japan, TTs rigidly coupled to wall mounted shelves would be just as affected as rigid floors, like mine, with earthquakes. However, earthquakes/tremors are not the only thing causing building structural resonance, especially in cities. And not just in Japan.