T-Bone looking forward to hearing of your results with the armpod experiment and how your ideas can help to improve my setup.
Guys - Its nice to bring this channel back to its regular programming. :^)
Hi Dgob - In follow up to my material inquiries earlier.
It is my intent to build two more pods but I am not sure yet of the material hence my question earlier. My direct experience in talking to the people that work at Metal Supermarkets. Most of their metals are in solid billet form and sent to them after they have been melted down and pulled through the device that forms their shape. The attached link is a picture of the actual solid billet that my brass piece was cut from. I apologize for the quality -it was moving when the pic was taken.
Solid Brass Billet My piece came from 4.2 inches that was cut from the right side of this long bar. I ordered 4 inches they were generous to me, but this almost spelled disaster with my calculations on the adjustability of my TT footers and tonearm adjustments that were possible.
I rate my DIY skill level with metals as very low. I can thread holes for spikes or screws in metals but thats it for me. Everything else would go to a machine shop $$.
Henry regarding your links to those armpod manufacturers.
I had a very interesting phone discussion with Larry from TT Weights the other day. I hadnt been to his shop in quite some time. Now remembering his bias as a manufacturer, there are apparently quite a few for this hobby of his armpods out there in use today.
If any of Larrys Armpod users see this thread I would really like to have your impressions on them regardless of whether you have bought just the POD or the TT /Pod package. I had called Larry to schedule a visit with him to see for myself how big the gap still is between my making my next POD or buying one. He is unfortunately sold out and will not have some ready to go again till mid-to late Sept. So will schedule a visit then to check them out and let u guys know. He is looking forward to reviews coming out soon.
FWIW this is probably one of the longer stretches I have gone without changing up arms or cartridges. 2 ½ months with some vacation time too now for the ET 2.5 and the Empire. I checked it well last night. If I was lining it all up for the first time today I would try to align the sylus exactly as I see it now in my setup still.