A Copernican View of the Turntable System

Once again this site rejects my long posting so I need to post it via this link to my 'Systems' page
I was not aware of Corby's work, thank's for bringing this to my attention.
As nice as Corby's design looks and is I find it overly complicated for my requirements and perhaps as you mention plagued with stability problems.

My design is as simplistic as your pods are though mass is the only thing they share in common.
Halcro, hope you are not thinking of pouring concrete into a mold ?
Will be very interesting to see your method that will cost $20-$40.00
Dear Halcro, Very sorry to hear about your insomia but hope
that those painkillers are effective. Now Lew mentioned somewhere that he gets his best ideas just before going to
sleep. If we can put your both in bed together some huge
Heureka may come out as a result. I of course mean pure intellectual cooperation.
The possibility to get an heavy armpod for $40 looks even more promissing than the start of the MM thread. Is there
any chance that such an arm pod can be made from granite?
The kind from Lithuania is , as I already mentioned, unbelievable beautiful.

Dear Lew, I am not familiar with USA price(s) for the Reed but in Germany (www.audio-markt.de) the Reed 2A is 2440 Euro ( basic version) while, for example, Raven 10.5 cost 4000 Euro. Not a bargain but still a 'decente price'.
For those with, uh, the 'French connection' even cheaper.
As far as I know there is no importeur in France (yet).
