A Copernican View of the Turntable System

Once again this site rejects my long posting so I need to post it via this link to my 'Systems' page
Dear Audpulse, With all respect, the Berning ZOTLs are fine amplifiers, but they are not OTL amplifiers in the normal sense of that acronym. This has all been argued ad nauseam, and I am with you, if you were to say it does not matter. What matters is they are very good sounding amplifiers designed by one of the true geniuses in audio.

Halcro, Is the SP10 as stable as you recommend to Chris that it needs to be, when mounted on AT616 feet? How would that be unless there was some sort of physical anchoring between the SP10 chassis and the tops of the feet? (You are not the only one who knows how to use a question mark?)
Dear Chris, Your mother is a wise lady. You should not mess
with doubtful persons. One of them is a traitor. He ordered
a plinth from, will you believe this , Moldova. Former Romania or so. But the price is nearly as cheap as your steel footers ($110; ebay.com) and probable more stable. I intend to put those Still-points underneath to get, say,
Albert Porter (cheap) plinth version for my SP 10 mk II.

Hi Nikola - I can do better than that. I have a 7 layer Canadian baltic birch sp10 plinth sitting idle. I can send it to you to try if you like. But you would have to pay for the shipping. Its over 50 lbs. Let me know if interested.

Hi Henry - will post the SS footers info on the Nude TT thread - I see its front page again.
