Dear Halcro, I have something with the tonearms. Lucky me
in the time of Freud there were no such 'objects of disire'
so I will never know what's wrong with me. But I am a peculiar tonearm collector. I like to see, inspect and admire them for a while.Alas because of restricted means I need to sell some in order to buy some other. This the only
way for me to 'inspect' as many as possible.
Kind regards,
in the time of Freud there were no such 'objects of disire'
so I will never know what's wrong with me. But I am a peculiar tonearm collector. I like to see, inspect and admire them for a while.Alas because of restricted means I need to sell some in order to buy some other. This the only
way for me to 'inspect' as many as possible.
Kind regards,