A Copernican View of the Turntable System

Once again this site rejects my long posting so I need to post it via this link to my 'Systems' page
This method is very old actually. One first produce the so called 'state of the art' with a pricetag nobody can afford and than the trickle down models which 'promisse', say, 90% of the technology implemented in the 'state..'. The money was supposed to come from those of course. Ie get the attention first with some crazy price.I was always impressed by Infinity . I mean the big one's for which I really needed Rockefellers. But Nudell got bankrupt 3 or 4 times ,if I remember well. And I am really sorry for
his misfortune: I still like the guy and those big ones which I still can't afford.

Dear In_shore, my comment was indeed meant rather sarcastic.
In the sense that many hear the call, but very few are in fact appointed ( this phrase is much more phonetic balanced in german .... ).
While audio physics no doubt are much less critical and demanding than aerospace, the criteria are much less obvious and defined.
Deserves every product respect per se?
Just because it is there and just because it bears a serious price tag?
Let a new product - with so far only one sample made - proof it's claimed performance.
Why giving away laurels ahead.
But then I may be too critical and have a habit to regard something "new" always somewhat sceptically.
Dear Nandric, today in audio the big buck is no longer made by trickling down. Unless you have very large production facilities, huge output and the subsequent large quantity discounts with materials procurement, you have little chance to really make good profit that way.
At least not in high-end analog audio any longer.
Too small total numbers.
As a good portion of our passion deals with proud ownership and image, high priced gear sells better today than most modest price components.
Especially as this type of consumption is nothing one exhibit in public.
Setting up serial production for a US$2000 turntable is just as hard and time consuming as doing the same for a US$12000 turntable.
And it is the planning and setting-up of production which is really the challenge.
The messenger deserves an extra discount. Oh no- not again this kind of habits and exchanges without staying to one's product. I have experienced this in Germany, pls. not here on Audiogon. Hope I am wrong on that - we will see in the future...

Best & Fun Only
Does anyone knows someone who actually has bought an Onedof turntable.
Would be interesting to learn which tt it superseded and whether the owner has any thoughts/comments about it performance.