A Copernican View of the Turntable System

Once again this site rejects my long posting so I need to post it via this link to my 'Systems' page
Well,dear Lew, I am of course not serieus. I was however in my youht when I thought that the philosphers are the guys with ideas and even ideas about ideas. One need to start somewhere so the ideas of my first philosopher were such that I thought that every single sentence was, without any question, true. This wonder happened in the same way with my second philosopher and also the third but by this one there was a problem. According to him the two 'earlier' philosopher were in total disagreement with eacht other and
even contradictory regarding nearly every subject matter.
Not sure if because of Freud or the mother nature who provided us (hopefully) with some defense mechanism I decided that 'all' philosopher are a kind of magician with words with the difference that they do not perform their act before some audience but write books instead. This way I was able to keep my own selfestime intact and also decided to become a lawyer. There are some of them which are called 'the best attorney' whom only few can afford. No philosopher ,even Popper, were able to earn this kind of money. But as is so often the case I also neither become 'aviator' nor attorney.
BTW with your imagination can you not reconsile the two: the mocking and the compliments? I admire you really but also like to tease you. Is this 'not done' according to some of Kantian imperatives?

ah, I see all the great champions in this analog world are coming together. welcome back gentlemen. yes it is worth talking about armpods and the possibility of exchanging arms quickly. I would miss my universal original Micro Seiki armboards so much that I even mounted one on my EMT. I now learned that Raul is not using his MS turnable anymore. No wonder - No system change on TTs in 10 years, you might feel like in a storage room of old unused audio equipment. Don't laugh, I have seen this sometimes. People keep their units but only use one TT all the time. They have many arms but use only one. Why not?

If this might enable the owner to have a profound knowledge on comparing TTs and arms and also assess the quality of armboards in certain environments I doubt.
Dear Nicola, We're good. In the vernacular of Italian-Americans, "fuhgeddaboudit". Same goes for Henry, actually.
Dear Lew, Our 'teasing relationship' started with your beloved Mark Twain , the 'rumour' about his death and my slip of the tongue with guy versus gay . I then just started to write English. With Henry the case was different. I referred to his beloved Australia as 'a developing country' which caused him to refer to me as a 'little man' from a 'little country'. You was then more sportsmanlike then he was. But at present I love you both equally.
