As I said, this is the same seller who used to have a tonearm that works exactly like the Schroder arm but Frank found out and complained about the infringement to the seller. The designer then put his own twist to the Schroder design by replacing the magnet with a ball in an oil pool a la WTA. Whether the approach is effective or no is still in question.
I don't think it's a problem with the small amount of oil but the tie point of the string is not at the mid-section of the ceramic ball so I believe, as Manitunc observed, there would be too much lateral movement or pendulum action. But if the the ball is touching the bottom of oil pool, there would be no need for the string and simply act like a missionary style unipivot a la Naim ARO or Graham, instead of a spike now it's a ball, which would be similar to a
Scheu Tacco. In a classic unipivot, having a string like that would hinder the all kinds of movement, horizontal and vertical. You're better off with no string at all.
This design has much potential but might need further refinement. If any reader has one, feel free to chime in.