Cartridge for VPI Classic?

I just sold my VPI Scout to replace it with a VPI Classic.
My system is as follows :
Whest PS.30R Phono Amp
Musical Fidelity A5CR Pre Amp
2xMusical Fidelity A3CR Power Amps biamping
Proac D15
Nordost Red Dawn/SPM Interconnects/Speaker Cable (I may look to change these)

I like my system but I'm a bit disappointed with the slight harshness in the top end, especially in reproduction of sibilance which I would like a cartridge to handle well.

I'm considering the following:
Benz Glider SL
Benz Wood SL
Dynavector 17D3
Dynavector XX2 MKII
Soundsmith VPI Zephyr

Any others that I should consider?
Any advice/experiences?
I would take a Lyra Delos over the Dynavectors and Benz by a large margin. The Delos has a much higher resolution, more detail, more dynamics and energy, and presents instruments and voices with much more realism. The XX2 is veiled and laid back by comparison, lacking nuance. I cannot say much about the Zephir, but I have compared the Delos and Kleos to a Soundsmith the Voice and again would choose the Delos. In fact the person owning the Soundsmith The Voice did end up upgrading to a Kleos.
The better the cartridge, the better the sound. If you can squeeze out for the top of the line Benz or Dyna cartridges, you won't regret it.
I have a Benz ebony L and it is very musical and detailed,that said it matches my pre amp(shindo) and prior to that I had a ace and moved up the line with great value and service.