VPI Aries versus VPI Classic

I've been told by a couple of dealers that the VPI classis outperforms the Aries. My Aries is about 10 years old and had a retail price of 3800.00. A classic has a retail of of 2700.00. Adjusted for Inflation my table if it was still being made would be close to 5000.00 in todays money. So does the Classic really out perform the Aries?
When the Classic came out, I called VPI and spoke to Sheila. I described my Aries (original series; HRX feet and SDS). She advised to stick with what I had.
Why would a 'dealer' tell you otherwise? There is really no way to make a direct comparison since cartridge, cables, SDS, accessories etc. make a difference. I have an Aries I and the only thing I miss is the ability to put an outer ring on it. If I was starting 'new' I would go with the Classic and load it up with accessories. However, if you want to put two arms on a table, best to look for an extended Aries.
Buconero, I am a VPI dealer who advised Taters to stick with the Aries. If you want a ring get the TTWeight one. I had a Super Platter on my Aries Extended and had both a VPI ring and the lighter TTW one and ended up using the TTW one more. A lot easier to use and does everything else about as well except flatten warps because of the light weight. They have heavier ones I haven't tried. Not a dealer for them.
My Aries was very bright compared to the Clearaudio Performance Magnum it replaced, and the VPI Classic which I now have. Not a contest, it lacked weight in the midrange, and with my gear some music just seemed to screetch.
I can't Imagine an Aries being bright. I have heard 2 other ones besides mine and bright is the last thing they are. What kind of cartridge and phono-preamp are you using?