Uni-Protractor Set tonearm alignment

Looks like Dertonarm has put his money where his mouth is and designed the ultimate universal alignment tractor.

Early days, It would be great to hear from someone who has used it and compared to Mint, Feikert etc.

Given its high price, it will need to justify its superiority against all others. It does look in another league compared to those other alignemt devices


IMO Raul's green eyed monster and old habits returned just after you indicated your tonearm will go into production June 2011 :>)

I am looking forward to see if you have designed a better mousetrap.

IMO Raul's green eyed monster and old habits returned just after you indicated your tonearm will go into production June 2011 :>)

I am waiting for Raul's breakthrough in Tonearm Design. For 3 years now...
But it should be crosschecked with a good Phonostage, a design which can handle the 0.2mV without distortions.
Well if Raul's tonearm works out as well as the phonolinepreamp, we can call it Edsel.
I think I understand passion.I am from the Balkans were people never try to avoid any war whatever. Thy are also
willing to participate in any as well start new one without
specific reasons. Ie pure passion. The western 'cowards' in
contradistinction need always some 'very strong reasons' for such an undertaking and have usualy no better then 'economic reasons'. I am not familiar with the Mexican hystory but from Zapata ,etc. one may quess at least some symilarity. There were times when fighting was a
way of life. If I am well informed Dertonarms direct predecessors were European champions.

Addendum. My point was why intervene? This way we already
missed the answer about the status of the FR-64S. Is this
arm the real King or the false one. I have the strong impression that Raul keept his strongest arguments for later. But alas. I myself hoped for some result like:'the
King is dead... long live the Triplanar'. So to me it looks
like a much better scenario to organize a duel in which both partys will use their own tonearms instead of swords so we can after the event discuss about the qualitys like:
stiffness, effective lenght, effective mass (sic!),etc.
