Uni-Protractor Set tonearm alignment

Looks like Dertonarm has put his money where his mouth is and designed the ultimate universal alignment tractor.

Early days, It would be great to hear from someone who has used it and compared to Mint, Feikert etc.

Given its high price, it will need to justify its superiority against all others. It does look in another league compared to those other alignemt devices

Thx for the quick reply D and clarification on the lack of issues other than pump sources with the ET. I have had no cartridge issues in 5 years and it is my main arm.

Is the UNI tangential tool similar to the ET supplied one. I am looking for something that would let me square the line better from the spindle to the bottom of the straight sp10 casing. I am using a homemade extender right that does the job but am curious.

One final question.

You said

"The ET 2.5 improves considerably with increased air pressure up to a certain limit". It does deliver very good bass with a lot of "body" - but not quite the quality I seek."

Are you able to recall what platform/table you mounted the 2.5 on and what PSI you registered at the air bearing, not the pump source.

Thank You Chris
Dear Chris,
my ET 2 was mounted first on the big Le Tallec tt (modified) and later on the Apolyt (450 lbs chassis, 100 lbs composite platter on radial/axial air bearing, 2 Hz air suspension frequency of whole turntable).
The ET 2.5 was mounted on the Apolyt only.
I worked mainly - as far as I recall - with 0.4 to 0.6 bar.
In american psi this means 6 to 8 psi approximately.
This was read down at the Apolyt's control board.
Dear D -
That Apolyt is quite the platter and those arm pods. :)

My extensive testing of the 2.5 showed me that 6-8 working psi is a very safe albeit too LOW psi for the 2.5 to show its stuff. So am not surprised at your earlier remarks.

I found the ET 2.5 starts coming into its own around 16 psi to about 20 psi. My findings were later confirmed by Arthur Salvatore who told me his members recommend 19 psi. "Above 19 psi and the arm starts to lose information".

At 19 psi – the ET 2.5 has phenomenal PRAT, Bass Attack, HF, sounds the most natural. It competes with arms well above its $2900 US purchase price. I very much recommend to those with the ET 2.0 to have them upgraded to the 2.5 bearing along with a Timeter Aridyne medical pump available on Ebay. These two mods make the basic ET 2.0 arm are a giant killer.

Good luck and much success with your Uni D.

Cheers Chris
Dear Chris, I found my old files ... last setting with the ET 2.5 was 1.2 bar. Notes further mentioned "threshold - can't take more pressure due to material and problems with re-bouncing air stream".
Dear Chris, my last post just crossed with your answer - indeed, the bearing of the ET 2.5 can take much higher pressure. I found my tonearm files with the remarks about the ET 2.5 and my last settings were around 1.0 to 1.1 bar - which is, as you mentioned too, about 16/17 psi. Beyond that the re-bouncing airstream and material instability did downgrade the ET 2.5's performance.
Thanks, Chris - the sales on the UNI-Pro exceeded my expectations indeed.
The 2nd production run sold out again.