6922 vs. 6DJ8 vs,7308

Are these tubes interchangeable? I have all tubed systems, and the time has come for me to replace them with newer ones. Can I switch one from the other? What is their difference in terms of voltage use, quality, etc...
thanks to all of you who are techno scholars, you have been super helpful!!
They are all Interchangable. I have found the 7308 to be a nice upgrade over 6922.
A simple, brief answer - yes, they are all interchangeable with absolutely no problems. Again, to be brief, the pecking order is 6DJ8, 6922, 7308 i.e. good, better, best.

Now is you want to find out which is the best brand of the above noted variants, that is a very complex and very opinionated question in which we will need to know more about your system set-up, application, and sonic objective.
Nobody with moniker "Clueless" can post a list like that. That's it--I'm having A-gon revoke your moniker--it's just not working.
Hey "Clueless" after that very well crafted post, you should seriously consider changing your login ID :=)
Hey thanks. It's part of a larger "guide" to online DIY tube info I have put together. If you find that list helpful you might find some of the rest helpful. Drop me an e-mail (You cant' send attachments thru Audiogon email system)with your address and I'll send ya the rest. It's convenient because it's a word doc with live links.

I remain,