Lyra Dorian or Lyra Delos cartridge?

I ordered a Lyra Dorian instead of the Lyra Delos because a sales rep at the company I called said there was really no difference in sound quality so the Dorian would save me some money. I would appreciate it if anyone who is familiar with these cartridges could let me know if the Delos is the better cartridge. My turntable is a VPI HW-19 MK-3 and the tonearm is a Audioquest PT-6. Thanks,Montgomery
Dear Rob:

More than any other cartridge model, I have been hesitant to design a successor to the Skala. Since it was only put into production in 2006, I would feel guilty about making Skala owners feel that their cartridge has been outmoded so soon. I know that it has now been 5 years since the Skala was introduced, but it still feels like a rather new model to me.

I would want some kind of request from Skala owners that they truly wanted a successor, or at least voices of assurance that they would be OK if I were to do so.

Also, Mishima has indicated that his hands are quite full with the Delos and Kleos, and he'd much prefer that I left the Skala as it is, rather than forcing him to learn the ins and outs of yet another new cartridge design. I believe that I'd have to get pretty creative with the carrot and stick to get him to go along with a Skala successor (grin).

Incidentally, although the "New Angle" 20-degree body and asymmetrical dampers as used on the Delos and Kleos are a given for any Skala successor, the basic structure of the Skala is so different from any other cartridge (Lyra or not) that the pre-stressed construction that is the heart of the Kleos body is ill-suited. Ergo, if I were to apply Kleos-like construction techniques to the Skala, it would be very hard to keep it recognizably in the Skala lineage.

I guess that I'd need to come up with a different structural approach that hasn't been done before.

cheers, jonathan
Thank you Jonathan for the detailed explanation concerning your various models. Intricate hand work does takes years to master.
Thank you for your replies Jonathan. But I do have one question. While I understand that you cart builder is a very busy man. I don't any reason to discontinue the production of the Dorian. If I understood it correctly the Dorian was outsourced. So it wouldn't burden your cartridge builder. The new Delos is more expensive then the Dorian so I don't understand why the Dorian isn't produced any more. Also I asked someone who sells Lyra if it would be an upgrade for me to buy a Delos. According to him the Delos sounds different from the Dorian but not better. He advised me against buying a Delos. To be fair he also didn't advise me on buying an other brand. He just told me not to buy anything untill the Dorian was worn out. The person who said this to me has no finacial intrest in me personally. He is a audio dealer but I haven't bought anything from him so far.
Mr. Carr thank you for you response to my question. Although it sad that many good cartridges are traded in and they are discarded before their usefull life is realized. I understand now, and it seems every industry has a "financial vs. production capacity bottleneck". And Lyra's future is best focused on the future. And again, I am sure that not only I, but we all appreciate the time you have spent here on this forum. I personnaly feel much better knowing that I have been doing business with a very consumer satisfaction driven company. If it were possible a full round of applause is due, a pleasure indeed.
That was an excellent advertising by Lyra. And it was free. Now everyone go buy something from them, money no longer matters because they deserve it.