Brinkmann Bardo vs Transrotor Fat Bob Reference

I'm wondering if anyone can tell me the differences between these two turntables? They are similar in price & both have hydrodynamic magnetic bearings, although the Brinkmann is direct drive as opposed to the more conventional design of the TR. Any opinions or experiences would be appreciated!
Hiho, my apology for taking your comment out of context. You sound like you are an enthusiastic vinylphile and have a good understanding of different drive systems. I can appreciate those that find certain systems (eg: idler drive) fascinating and enjoy such tables. The matter of which system is "best" is murky water. To firstly answer Lewm's question, the feedback I got from my Dealer and directly from Transrotor is that the TMD bearing is superior to the non-TMD bearing & contributes to greater speed stability and lower noise. As Transrotor put it "we chose the belt drive because we think it is the best way not to bring resonances from the motor to the platter. The negative aspect of the belt drive (the belt slip) is compensated by the magnetic drive, the TMD."

Just regarding TR's FMD bearing. I can tell you up close it is awesome and if engineering has anything to do with it, it just appears far superior to TMD. I asked TR commented "..most important the FMD bearing. Which works like the TMD bearing with a magnetic coupling but has a total separation between the driven platter and the main platter."

Regards, MG

Melbguy1, no worries. There's no best or worst and whatever in between is why we called this a hobby. It doesn't matter what drive system you use. Whether it's belt drive or steam engine drive, as long as it meets your need. Most important of all, enjoy the music. :-)

Most important of all, enjoy the music. :-)

You said that, enjoy what you have, one day you might not be able to.

Happy spinning.

Dear MG, I am a bit confused. Are the FMD and the TMD two different things? Sounds like you are saying that the FMD is a later development of TMD(?) Thanks for any info.
Hi Lewm,

I used Google Chrome and translated to English to find the differences between TMD and FMD
This link covers FMD

This link covers TMD:

I used the Google Chrome translate. I can speak, read and write auf Deutsche. The FMD appears to still be a belt drive type system, but with another magnetic bearing for the driving belt, versus the magnetic bearing for the platter itself.

I guess you could say this would be like modding your Harley with every chrome accessory possible.
