American made cartridge anyone?

Well, I am tired of reading about Japanese, German, Swiss, Danish cartridges. Why can't Americans make something for us as they can with amps, speakers, phono stages, cables, even turntables ( I prefer British, oops) ?
What seems to be the problem? Maybe we could help?
From the 20 June 2010 Financial Times: "The US remained the world’s biggest manufacturing nation by output last year, but is poised to relinquish this slot in 2011 to China – thus ending a 110-year run as the number one country in factory production". If we talk in terms of PPP (and discount the pegging of the yuan to the dollar) China would have surpassed us a bit sooner I think.

Prior to 1900, the UK was the largest manufacturer in the world.
>>03-17-11: Dan_ed
yep, you can't fight cheaper labor<<

Not to mention their "willingness" to work 20 hour days.

It's so nice to see real dedication.
I'm pretty sure none of my gear or any other imported item I own is "slave built", Inna!