Affordable Japanese LOMCs--Recommendations?

What do you have, what do you like, and why do you like it?

Sample Candidates:

Denon DL-103, DL-103R, DL-301 II, DL-304

Audio Technica OC9 ML/II, AT33EV, OC9 ML/III

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Buconero 117, hit and run comments do not indicate superior knowledge, just a snarky attitude. Johnny, as I haven't used them I can't advise but I have had good luck with all the Denon's I have used so you can't go far wrong.
I am watching this thread because I just snaped off the cantilever of my 103r :(... So I am now looking for a replacement. I am considering the AT OC9ml III/II or the Denon DL-S1 or perhaps another 103r as it is a very good cartridge given its' price point.I am also possibly considering the Benz ACE. I ran my 103r through a Bob's Devices Cinemag SUT and V-LPS Phono stage. I am looking at replacing the Phono with a Herron Audio VTPH-2 .

Thanks Chuck
03-08-11: Buconero117
These comments just prove that 'colored' sound is alive and well in audio land.
Your comments prove that douchebaggery is alive and well in audio land.
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