Woofer sucking in and out

I have a problem with my analogue set up that once it starts play, the woofers of my speaker will move in and out like crazy, unrelated to the music! It relates with volume as when the volume is low, the woofers will not move as much. May it has to do with oscillation between cartridge and arm but my set up is new. The turntable is Acoustic Solid-Transparent and rega301 arm with cardas wiring and weight mods, Herron VTSP 3A pre and VTPH phono. I wonder if placement has anything to do with it or power connection.
I hope someone who has the same problem before can give me some hints.
Filters are a last resort. All filters will effect the phasing of the signal... Find and fix the real problem.
Luna- If the degree of woofer movement varies with the record; look at the circumference of the discs, as you play them. If the excursions increase with the warp of the outer edge; you've found your problem. Barring the use of a subsonic filter; a damping ring would be the cure for that particular problem. ie: (http://www.soundfountain.com/amb/ttring.html) (http://www.ttweights.com/480_gram_alloy_outer_ring.html)
Its an isolation problem as other have mentioned - keep experimenting to find the location that causes the least disturbance. Understanding how the sound waves radiate from your speakers based on how you set them up will help alot here. Keep it away from the sound waves as best as possible.

What type of clamp or weight are you using. Before spending big dollars on rings get one of these. Used with the rubber washer under the lp it will flatten the record edge to ensure it touches the platter all around.


If you are using a weight alone in the middle it will make the lp ends go up as well.

A filter is a band-aid as other have mentioned and not a fix.

Good Luck
Cool responds. I am only using Thorens weight at the middle. Most of my LPs are used so the arm is moving up and down some times! I will have a look at rings and weights than. Thanks.
Rodman, Thanks for the info. Very useful! Ah.. Has anyone used those heated device to flatten a wrapped disc?