MC Cartridge Degaussing Demagnetizing

An old topic that I would like to re-visit and would appreciate Jonathan Carr weighing in on.

What does LYRA use and/or recommend to degauss their (MC) cartridges?

What happened to the Audio Physic demagnetizer?
Immedia seems to have dropped them.

Since many companies/manufacturers of phono carts will NOT discuss degaussing their carts and/or the material of the armature is it OK to use the Cardas or Analogue Productions LPs instead?

How EXACTLY do these sweep records degauss a cartridge?

Is it OK to assume that IF a sweep record helps a cartridge sound better then a degausser or demagnetizer is appropriate?

Assuming no DC content and a very low level voltage and current... How EXACTLY can an AC rising and then falling signal fed into the cartridge cause the cartridge to fail prematurely?

Thanks! :^)
Tom M.
Regarding Fluxbusting.... When you turn on the device, it does its job and then stops. The end of cycle is the actual turning off the unit and then switching to the other half of the cartridge to demag that. What I do is disconnect the unit from the cartridge when it stops demaging and THEN turn it to the other half after disconnecting it...that way I do not get the "metalic sound" you describe.
Post removed 
Elizabeth: Here is a WONDERFUL treatise by Jonathan Carr on this topic:

Hard to believe that it is almost 10 years old! WOW!!

Check this out too:

I prefer that you not "cross-channel short" the tonearm leads but rather use shorting RCA jacks OR use the Radio Shack jumpers (cat # 278-001, $6.99) to jumper each channel's center conductor to its respective outer shield.
I also suggest using a rather dynamic record and playing for a minute or so with the output cables shorted/jumpered.

Please share your findings with us - either way.