Mucho good advice so far.
Agree that considerable downward pressure from brushes while the platter is spinning, will cause more drag, and no doubt cause increased platter motor heat.
A cooling fan mod will solve that.
Me, I generally apply fluids, with platter rotating, then once the record is covered, I stop the platter, and give those cleaners some time to do thier job. I'll very lightly-gently scrub the record in sections with the platter motionless.
A spare wand dedicated for just the final rinse step I think is a good idea. I have hear some going to the lengths of having a different wand assembly for each, and every step, but I think this is a bit overdoing it.
I myself, notice what you say about platter rock, and have recently considered replacing the 4 rubber standoffs that connect the platter motor, to the motor mounting plate, with either aluminum spacers, or nylon.
I know places like the home improvement stores carry such in their hardware sections.
I feel if there is less rock-play, the vacuum wand will be able to maintain a more uniform contact across the record.
Whatever the standoff's lengths are, the new spacers would need to be the exact same length, so as not to alter platter height. Mark
Agree that considerable downward pressure from brushes while the platter is spinning, will cause more drag, and no doubt cause increased platter motor heat.
A cooling fan mod will solve that.
Me, I generally apply fluids, with platter rotating, then once the record is covered, I stop the platter, and give those cleaners some time to do thier job. I'll very lightly-gently scrub the record in sections with the platter motionless.
A spare wand dedicated for just the final rinse step I think is a good idea. I have hear some going to the lengths of having a different wand assembly for each, and every step, but I think this is a bit overdoing it.
I myself, notice what you say about platter rock, and have recently considered replacing the 4 rubber standoffs that connect the platter motor, to the motor mounting plate, with either aluminum spacers, or nylon.
I know places like the home improvement stores carry such in their hardware sections.
I feel if there is less rock-play, the vacuum wand will be able to maintain a more uniform contact across the record.
Whatever the standoff's lengths are, the new spacers would need to be the exact same length, so as not to alter platter height. Mark