Sirius and Walker

Hi Folks:

I have first hand experience with the Walker turntable and, to this day, it's the finest I have ever heard. Can anyone compare the sound of the Walker with the Rockport with the same material? I'm very interested.

Thanks as always.

CT Audio Society
Dear Unoear: Can I understand from your post that that Sirius owner was hearing not the real performance in the Sirius but only a " bad copy "?

Is hard to imagine some one that invest on that great TT and that he as the Sirius manufacturer can't took in count that wrong set-up!?!?!???, but things happen.

Regards and enjoy the music,
I can confirm Unoear's description.
When I was his guest in late November 2011, we tried real hard getting the Sirius III to track a whole record side.
It proofed impossible - due to the original stock tonearm wire.
No matter what we tried - the tonearm wire is way too stiff and does heavily influence the tangential movement after about 2 inches into the record.
And there were 3 seasoned audiophiles trying their luck real hard - all of them with intimate personal experience with several air-bearing tonearms.
Should I speak my mind, and get my butt handed to me? I find direct-drives(I've only heard cheaper ones.)to have a relentless quality to them. Does anyone else hear this? Do the more expensive, or well-sorted ones, eliminate this quality?

01-11-12: Mmakshak:
"I find direct-drives to have a relentless quality to them. Does anyone else hear this? Do the more expensive, or well-sorted ones, eliminate this quality?"

The answers are yes and yes. I have to assume this "relentless" quality is a negative thing in your experience.

Maybe the tonearm wire insulation on the Sirius hardened up over time? I find it hard to believe it was like that when new.