turntable motor speed

I understand that an AC turntable motor uses the incoming line frequency of 60hz to set the motor speed, but how does a DC motor determine speed and how do you vary the speed to adjust for changes in platter or pulley size. Is the voltage changed and therefore the speed is controlled by the voltage or is there some other method at work. For instance, if I am running a 24vdc motor, would increasing the voltage to 25vdc cause the motor to run faster? Is it important to ensure that the voltage is exactly 24vdc, or is anything close acceptable?
No. This is nothing more than a lab-grade highly regulated DC power supply. It's the motor itself that varies in speed, regardless of the accuracy or "purity" of the incoming voltage; you can put a $10K DC supply in front of the "best", most expensive DC motor and it will still drift in its speed stability - not a lot, but enough to be noticeable. Such is the nature of a dynamic load, like a turntable.

While the current-sensing option on the Acopian supply supply will work, my guess is that it will maintain the output voltage within a range of +/- 2 to 5%. Not bad for picking widgets off an assembly line, but insufficient for controlling a turntable's speed. You need something with an accuracy of around +/- 0.1%.

There aren't too many stand-alone DC controllers for turntables. The Origin Live box works OK, but once you pair the controller and the box together you're already looking at $600 or so. Oh, and Mark Kelly made a nice DIY kit controller as well...
So the problem is that it doesnt react fast enough to changes in load? I would be interested to see what actual fluctuations exist in load when turning a fairly heavy platter. I would think inertia alone on a 20lbs platter would smooth out any inconsitencies in load quicker and more thoroughly than any motor controller could. The motor itself wouldnt have enough torque to change a heavy platters speed that fast.
The above should have been 'once you pair the controller and the motor'.

No, the problem (for me) is long-term drift...such as the table running fast or slow up to 1 or 2% over the course of a side (we're talking simple voltage regulation-style control without a feedback loop). All those tiny errors add up. To me, the short-term, second to second errors of a DC motor are fairly benign, though certainly not insignificant when heard in the context of a good AC drive system, given its superiority of torque delivery, accuracy and so-called "PRaT" (and the spectral dividends that result from this approach). At least for me. YMMV and all that...

My experiences with various controller topologies for DC drive would imply a speed accuracy of around +/- 0.1% is achievable under ideal conditions.

Both systems (AC & DC) have inherent weaknesses and strengths; each listener has their own set of biases and expectations as well.