To SME or not to SME?

...that is the question. I have an irrationally strong urge to sell my Orbe SE, a very nice 'table in it's own right and order a SME 20/3. I've posted an ad for a used 30/2 but haven't received any responses. I have a new SME V to mount on the table. Could the SME be a last 'table purchase, or will the urge strike again a couple of years down the road if not sooner? Thoughts, opinions from members with ownership or listening experiences with the Orbe SE or any of the SME tables would be greatly appreciated.
To your original post. NOT an SME for me. I've used a SME 20/3 and yes it has the blackest soundstage and pinpoint imaging BUT it had no life. It was DEAD sounding and uninvolvimng. NEVER again an SME IMHO.
To Sksos1, this is strange but it happens in audio. The opinions regarding SME tables are either an "analytical and cold sounding table" or a "musical and warm sounding one".

I've just spend the last weeks reading on SME subject since the 10 interest me and the opinions on this table are divised.

For example, my local dealer in Montreal and a UK one that I know consider the SME 10 like a "musical and warm sounding" table while many other think the opposite.

I consider that it's also interesting to know about the rest of the system use to make these analysis.

commercial thing??

The days i listened to commercial dealers are long gone, although i am one now , so please dont listen to me.
Sksos1 - "Blackest soundstage and pinpoint imaging but it has no life." No listing of what arms/cartridges were used in that assessment. Could it be that "no life" means that nothing was ADDED to the sound to give it what you consider "life"?
I dont know what brands sksos1 represents?
I heard the vpi classic again this weekend on a full nagra set up .
SME is considerably better in my opinion , much more decay of notes and musicalflow .