To SME or not to SME?

...that is the question. I have an irrationally strong urge to sell my Orbe SE, a very nice 'table in it's own right and order a SME 20/3. I've posted an ad for a used 30/2 but haven't received any responses. I have a new SME V to mount on the table. Could the SME be a last 'table purchase, or will the urge strike again a couple of years down the road if not sooner? Thoughts, opinions from members with ownership or listening experiences with the Orbe SE or any of the SME tables would be greatly appreciated.

That is a good one. Kind of sums up things quite nicely. Very pithy and so typical of this subjective hobby. Subjective in what one hears and objective in the sense of intense brand loyalty practiced by many toward their preferred objects.

I'm leaning with Rgurney and wish I could find a way to afford the big SME.
Why foucs on SME. Not saying it isn't a good turntable, just saying there are many more brands that maybe are equally good. When buying some new gear don't focus on one brand. Have a look around. Listen to some turntables like AVID, Oracle, TW Acustic, Goldenote, Holborne, Transrotor etc. Holborne might not impresse your audiophile friend by its looks but they do sound very good. his original post mate...he fancies owning an SME not an Oracle or a TW or an Avid etc.
Mikesmith.......obviously you are interested in SME so don't let others muddy the waters.
It's too easy to just list a whole range of different tables as Mordante has done...but you could spend the next 2 years trying to hear them.
If you have an urge to own an SME then find out all you can about it and make your decision.
Trust me I asked the same question on a different thread and so many posters wanted me to try something i had not asked about my head was spinning.
It's nice people want to help with their advise but it's not helpful to have them just add to your list because it's what they are using right now or what they have a soft spot for.
I lusted after an Amazon Turntable and without listening just bought one based on the collective (small sample) reviews and comments online. Couldn't be happier but I would have just sold it if it didn't match into my system. I think you just go for it if you can afford it. Life it too short.