VPI Scoutmaster and Target Wall Shelf

Does anyone here use a Target Wall Shelf with a VPI Scoutmaster? My audio system on on a second story, wood floors with carpet. The whole tone arm bounces around when walking across the floor, so I've decided I've had enough and I am planning to use the Target wall shelf. I see they have a larger version and I'm wondering if anyone here has one in use with a VPI scoutmaster if they could tell me of the turntable will fit the shelf OK.
Be careful, my Scout just fits comfortably on the oversized PS-1. You need room for the motor to extend beyond the side of the turntable plus it is nice to have a little extra space for stylus cleaning fluid, record brush, etc. If you add an SDS later the cable is plenty long to place it on your rack nearby. I took a close look at the smaller Target shelf and decided it was going to be a VERY tight fit--too close for comfort. Just MHO.
I took the plunge and ordered the larger single shelf model. I'd like to replace the stock MDF board with maple later. Also would like to change the stock cone feet on the Scoutmaster to some mapleshade heavyfeet. But I'll start with the shelf first and tweak one step at a time.

Congrats Arnold. I think you will be pleased with the larger shelf. You may want to keep your eyes out for a Symposium Svelt Shelf sized to fit as a replacement for your MDF shelf. The Scoutmaster stock feet present the metal to metal contact point that the Symposium shelf is designed for to drain away vibration. There are not many of these out there but I have found it to be an excellent substitute for the stock MDF shelf. Enjoy!
So it seems Target has moved their factory and the shelf is on back order. I looked around the web and found a shelf I like even better:

Quadraspire Q4 Wall Bracket. I opted for maple shelf on silver bracket
Ordered from Gene Rubin Audio. The person I talked to on the phone even measured one for me to make sure the Scoutmaster will fit on it.

Here's an update. So about a week ago, I got the Quadrasprie wall rack in. I mounted it, but it's very flimsy. Not built well. The side rails are separate and you have to bolt them onto the wall mount. They do not stay at a 90 degree angle from the mount. For $375 I expected better build quality. I'm going to see about getting a return. I found this here on audiogon and looks like it would be more stable.


I've sent an email to the dealer with a few questions about it's mounting system and weight support. Looks like it will handle a scoutmaster without any issues.
