Moerch Tonearm Users... alignment question.

I'm trying out a DP6. Do I just trust the Moerch (non-precision armwand) alignment method of lining up the stylus tip with the leading edge? Or has anyone out there used a particular protractor successfully?
The MintLP is INCREDIBLE. Solved all my problems. Yes, stylus definitely right on the edge of the tonearm for me-- so Moerch is probably accurate. The key for me is that my stylus is not perfectly straight and the MintLP took care of the little distortions I was getting because of that...
By the way, don't be afraid with the MintLP to trust your ear. I was a tad bright with a tiny bit of distortion with the Lyra rotated exactly to match the grid. Adjusting it back toward the middle the slightest bit fixed it. I think it's because my cantilever is not straight and not consistently bent, if that makes sense. It's sort of microscopically snake like. I obviously need to replace it soon.
Hi Dhcod,

Glad you like it. Read the instruction regarding cleaning it with solution, as some members complain the coating turned gray over time.
