Moerch Tonearm Users... alignment question.

I'm trying out a DP6. Do I just trust the Moerch (non-precision armwand) alignment method of lining up the stylus tip with the leading edge? Or has anyone out there used a particular protractor successfully?
Hi Dhcod,

When you get your MintLP, you can check how way off you are. The beauty of Mint is that arc start almost at the spindle and extend way beyond your platter. You won't need any special skill, just patience.

I have a regular red dot arm on my DP6. I have to admit that my stylus is pretty damn close to the end of the arm, so even if that is not a "perfect" alignment per a prottractor it is a good place to start.
The MintLP is INCREDIBLE. Solved all my problems. Yes, stylus definitely right on the edge of the tonearm for me-- so Moerch is probably accurate. The key for me is that my stylus is not perfectly straight and the MintLP took care of the little distortions I was getting because of that...
By the way, don't be afraid with the MintLP to trust your ear. I was a tad bright with a tiny bit of distortion with the Lyra rotated exactly to match the grid. Adjusting it back toward the middle the slightest bit fixed it. I think it's because my cantilever is not straight and not consistently bent, if that makes sense. It's sort of microscopically snake like. I obviously need to replace it soon.
Hi Dhcod,

Glad you like it. Read the instruction regarding cleaning it with solution, as some members complain the coating turned gray over time.
