What cartridge for VPI and SOTA

I have a dilemma here. I have a VPI Scout with the 9" tapered tone arm and am getting a SOTA Sapphire with an SME 309 arm. I have a Shelter 901 MkII and a Dynavector XX-2 MkII and do not know which one I should pair with what table.

The SOTA will be on my BAT all tube system (including the P5 tube phono) with Sonus Faber Liuto speakers. The VPI will be with the new ModWright tube preamp and 100 SE amp. The Mod has the tube phono built in to it. The speakers are Totem Hawks for now but am contemplating a nice monitor for this system.

Any input/advice would be appreciated.

Thanks for the advice.

I was leaning towards that and you all seemed to have confirmed my suspicions!

Happy listening!
Shelters don't work well with VPI arms. Dyna or Benz are the best I've heard. Look into Bearpaws (Vermontaudio.com) for your VPI. Huge upgrade.
As I just stated in another post, the Benz cartridge/SME tonearm combo have very good synergy.
If you don't try them both on each table you will always be left wondering......