SME 20/3 or Oracle Delphi VI or Garrard 301

I am just about to buy a new table. I have happily owned an original oracle Delphi for 30 years! Choices are the new 20/3, Oracle Delphi VI or possibly a rebuilt Garrard 301. They all run about the same money.
The reviews and comments out there lead me to believe I will be better off using a non SME arm on the 20/3...I will probably go with a Graham Phantom. (I like the removable arm tube concept too) For now I will use my SME IV.
keep reading the SME detractors claim that the tables are lifeless. Not something you can accuse a Delphi of for sure. The HiFi News reviews of both tables are nothing short of glowing. As far as I can tell the Oracle is possibly more nimble and musical(?) while the SME is more "solid".
Your thoughts are welcom
mauidj the question is...20/3 or 20/12?
Almost twice the price.
That extra dough could go towards a Graham Phantom and very nice cartridge.
So for about the same money I could either have a 20/12 with 312S arm or 20/3 with Graham and extra wand for mono cart.
In the end forget the dollars...which will sound better?
Nice to have such decisions to make!
Mauidj - I would go for the 20/3 as it will give you a wider choice of arms/cartridges. Check out the improvements to the 20/3 as they may not be in the 20/12 yet. I think the extra money spent on arm/cartridge for the 20/3 will give you a better outcome.
Just to stir the mix, my experience is almost opposite. Still preferring V over other stock arms and suspended tables (not linn) to the above non suspended ( have not tried most current versions) Too many variables from one listener to another to draw any conclusions. I have found that you can voice a system to your criterion starting with almost any given and adding from there. I will say that I think criticisms of arms by themselves are silly. An arm performance cannot be evaluated without a specific cartridge. No tonearm ever made works well with every cartridge.Therefore it seems discussing an arm without the specific cartridge mounted is meaningless. I just happen to like the same carts my V likes.
I don't quite get it. Can't you audition both before making the final decision? It's a lot of money and I assume you don't print the banknotes.
I am also curious why you don't consider other table/arm/cartridge combinations. At this level I would definitely buy the entire set-up not first table then arm then cartridge. Unless of course you want to make yourself very busy with that.
Yeah, there are some excellent German tables, Nottingham, Fletcher Audio, Simon Yorke. Why only these?
If you really want to know what sounds better , hear for yourself , than decide which model you want.
The days i had much opinion of commercial dealers advice are long gone