SME 20/3 or Oracle Delphi VI or Garrard 301

I am just about to buy a new table. I have happily owned an original oracle Delphi for 30 years! Choices are the new 20/3, Oracle Delphi VI or possibly a rebuilt Garrard 301. They all run about the same money.
The reviews and comments out there lead me to believe I will be better off using a non SME arm on the 20/3...I will probably go with a Graham Phantom. (I like the removable arm tube concept too) For now I will use my SME IV.
keep reading the SME detractors claim that the tables are lifeless. Not something you can accuse a Delphi of for sure. The HiFi News reviews of both tables are nothing short of glowing. As far as I can tell the Oracle is possibly more nimble and musical(?) while the SME is more "solid".
Your thoughts are welcom

that's your own opinion which is very subjective and debatable.

I never suggested you own a SME, just commented nice plug for your table, I don't agree with your statement made describing it vs a MS either. See how subjective things are.
Dev - that's what forums are for, my turntable inclusion in the post was to provide context to my ( subjective ) opinion. I have no interest in plugging it, my turntable is not for sale. I have no interest in SME other than I believe it is the best of the turntables that Mauidj has ask for members' views. My subjective opinion is based on hearing the 3 decks in known systems. With regard to Oracle - what is not subjective is the number of times they have been in and out of business.

I agree fully that these forums are for discusions but it's what individules write sometimes being opininated and not subjective as they should be.

You suggesting the Oracle sounds terible playing a piano pce and then that the SME is "better" is your opinion, that's okay but just that your opinion which is all subjective just like your opinion in relation to your tables looks. I laughed when I read that for example.

You can see I have not mentioned what I personally own even though at one point the OP inqured about a specific manufacture.

Oracle has been in and out of business, news to me but then again I have never followed this but have never heard anyone having issues dealing with them.

I don't want to get into debates but personally I would own a Oracle over a SME from what I have heard first hand in set-ups to date. If I was looking a dropping that kind of coin on the SME then other table otions would come into the eqaution.
Dover.....I'm also not sure about the in and out of business thing.
I know Oracle regrouped once ..many years ago..but to my knowledge they are a stable company offering wonderful customer support and an enviable upgrade path for all old tables. The owner, Jacques, has spent countless hours with me and my 30 year old table. Not many manufacturers can claim that.
The piano thing is really interesting because in my estimation it plays piano as close to the real thing as I have ever heard. ( on islands most of my life I have heard very few top end tables or other systems so I cannot make meaningful comparisons).
There is a track on an album by David Sanborn called the Bridge where a single note is played with such realism that it still sends shivers through me after 30 years. I play piano so I know how they sound.
As for the "I've been happy for 30 years" quote.
Well yes I have, but that doesn't mean that I can't look for something better.
I'm a happy kind of guy so I don't dwell on having something better all the time. But the table broke so it's time for something new.
Better is also a form of
I am so happy for fora like this where people with experience can advise...hey even preach...on the merits or otherwise of the hundreds of choices out there.
I have to distill and filter these comments and those of the reviewers that I have read and re read countless times. 'Cos these guys are as biassed as any of us. How do I know?...I used to be one!...A reviewer that is. Plus just read Fremer et al and you can see their preferences which in most cases they don't hide. Unlike some forum posters who's biases are very apparent and unhelpful.
I would love to hear suggestions on alternatives to the 3 tables mentioned. The coin I'm spending might be chump change to many out there but to me it is anything but. Especially if we get to 20/12 kind of money. (I can get one in the UK for $14,000) so that's my budget's high end.
This is serious money and I want to get it right.
The saving grace is that if I don't then I always have the ability to sell and try again.
No big deal at all in the scheme of things.
Once again many mahalos to you all for your caring input.
This is a wonderful place for us hobbyists and it should never turn nasty or combative. This is all about music after all, not bragging rights :-)
So keep em coming audio friends, every word and suggestion is received with many thanks and much aloha!
If it were me Id be looking at a Cosmos IV. Ive heard it next to SME 30 same arm cart etc. and while I have great respect for SME Id still take the Cosmos (also much cheaper)