Top 3 high compliant mm/mi cartridges

I am looking for suggestions for a vintage mm/mi high compliant cartridge. I plan on using one with a newly aquired ADC LMF2 tonearm.
Over the last few years I've been fortunate enough to have gathered a small handful of "top-top" and "very good" vintage MM/MI/MF cartridges, and enjoy all of them.

If I wanted to buy a vintage one today I'd look carefully at the Nagaoka MP-50 on ebay right now (recently mentioned in Raul's thread). If I was concerned that the MP-50 was not high enough compliance for my arm--or if I wanted new--I'd look at getting the most Soundsmith cartridge I could afford in the SMMC line (acrylic body), high compliance version.

A thought... as long as you can find a stylus carriage for your AKG 8 ES, someone who retips carts should be able to replace the cantilever/stylus on the detachable 'stylus.' So if you find one which has a broken cantilever, that should be fine...
Thanks to all for the suggestions, I didn't realize that cartridges like the ortofon m20flsuper and the Nagaoka m50 were high compliant. I have some of these cartridges mentioned and will be trying them.
Nandric, I have read much of the ongoing mm thread, I must confess this is a lot easier than sifting thru the miles of info thanks to all for repeating yourselves.
T_bone, Thanks for your advise. I got one as you suggested
so I am at present a 'proud owner' of 3 AKG 8 ES. I will
post them all with one broken stylus to our second retip service in Holland with the hope to get just one back in
'full capacity' with promissed capabilitys.

Rnadell, Sorry for my assumption reg. your status as novice. As is the case with all assumptions thy can be right or wrong (like the 'truth values'?).
My method is ,uh, intermediary. Because of my age I can't
rememer all carts 'of the month' (pace D) so I do this
the ouder way around. Fishing in 'my waters' at
I have enough (auction)time to check the potential candidate in the extended version of the thread. Just looking for the difference between AT 20 SL and 20 SS. I want mention the price I payd for the AT20Sl.Lucky me Raul
is not visiting this site very often...
