Kuzma 4Point vs Airline - is it worth the upgrade?

l have owned a Kuzma 4Point arm for a few years now mounted on a Kuzma Stabi XL2. l have the opportunity to change to a Kuzma Airline and was hoping to hear from members who have heard both and whether they think the switch is worthwhile. There is not much l can find on the net comparing the two.

For a similar cost l could add two motors to my XL2 converting it to an XL4, could the upgrade there be more significant than the Airline vs. 4Point?

Interested to hear fellow 'Goners opinions.

I had one of the earliest 4 points and liked it very much. But the airline is the much better arm. Nevertheless you should be careful on the matching with carts in a linear tracker (regarding rubber parts etc.)

best & fun only - Thuchan
The 4P is an excellent example for engineering which fails the sonic spot by a mile. Soft dynamics, soft soundstage, everything wrapped in clothes, a real sleeper, one of the biggest disappointments I ever listened to. But probably the right Arm for harsh, shrill reproduction Systems. It will compensate a lot.
The Airline has one big advantage: It shows the user that such a Design can work. It is better from dynamic response than the 4P (no big deal honestly), better soundstage but it won't tell you anything new when you have one of the better Arms. For that money my favorite was the DaVinci Arm.

One of my friends owns that XL Table with 2 motors, he loaned 2 more and gave them back. He said, it it not worth it (for him). He also owns a Airline.
Appreciate the replys.

l am running a ZYX 4D on the 4Point and do not find it soft in Dynamics but then its really the only high quality arm l have ever owned. l will not have the opportunity to listen to the Airline on a comparable deck prior to purchase but you both are in agreeance that the Airline is the better bet.

Syntax, great feedback on the 2 motors vs. 4. The motors would have to be imported so again, the first time l will hear them in my system is when they are mine :) Seems like the Airline is a better bet.
