Best phono box for Rega P3-24TT/ Dynavector MC

I have a Rega P3-24 with their upgraded power supply, and a Dynavector 10X5 highout MC. I don't anticipate upgrading turntable or cartridge(maybe cartridge)soon

It will be plugged into a Bel Canto PR3 pre-amp, with Red Dragon M-500 digital monoblocks. The speakers are Acoustic Zen Adagios and AZ Hologram 2 speaker cable.

I may have a shot at buying a PS Audio GCPH-1 phono box "DEMO" at almost half off. It gets get great reviews.

However do I need that good a box for my analog set-up and the rest of the audio system??. I have read the Musical Surrounding PhonomenaII, the Sim LP-3, are almost as good.

The Vincent phono box (with separate PS), and Musical Fidelity VLPS-1 are good, but not equal to the others.

Would like a box with easy loading and capacitance switches or controls. Need some advice and input. Thank you
I am in a similar position with the exception of using Clearaudio Performance as source. I look forward to the replies. I have thought about the PS audio GCPH and the Graham Slee ERA Gold.
I have a P3-24 with TTPSU and a Dynavector 20x2H. I home auditioned a dealer demo (fully broken in) DV P-75 and a (brand new) Moon 110LP. The Moon was better in every respect except for smoothness in the top end. It's more dynamic, has better soundstage, more detail, and much better bass. I went for the Moon, assuming the top end would get smoother like the DV as it started to run in. I was right. Just a few weeks later the Moon has really started getting much better. I have no regrets at all going with it over the DV.
I just bought the TTVJ Hybrid phono, also half off. Easy to adjust. Love the sound.
Hi Dwette, sorry for going off topic here, but would you mind sharing a few comments about your DV 20X2H. In particular what you like and dislike about it. I ask because I have the same cartridge. If you prefer, feel free to send me an e mail through A'gon. Thanks
I don't really have much to compare the DV 20x2H to. I previously had a 25 yr old Linn LP12 in disrepair with a Goldring GL of the same age.

I just got back into vinyl and went with my dealer's recommendation on the 20x2H. In any case, my new Rega P3-24 with the DV sounds much better than what I had before, in every way, but I now have a whole new system with the addition of a Naim UnitiQute and Dynaudio Contour S1.4s.

With that said, I listen to acoustic jazz and classical. The setup I have now is more revealing, more dynamic, has better soundstage, and is far more satisfying to hear than my previous setup ever was.