White Substance on Aja 30th Anniversary

Hey Folks,

I was waiting to play my 30th Anniversary edition of Aja on vinyl until I got the system sounding better. After recent changes I was ready to play it. I opened it and much to my surprise it has a white substance on it that has survived a VPI 16.5/VPI fluid cleaning. The picture is at http://www.audiocrazies.com/storage/AJA_30thAniversary_Imperfect.jpg .

I also have this on my mono Doors from the boxed set. Anybody know what it is and how to clean it? Enzymes?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrobob
I've seen this before.

Some of my early Music Matter's LP's have it. They deemed it glue from the record sleeve. The marks I have on my lps don't seem to interfere with the sound. Almost like the glue bleached the black from the vinyl slightly. It seems to be on the surface and not deep into the groove...MM's change to different sleeves and the issue is gone. (maybe do a search, a number of folks posted about it 2 yrs or so ago

I'd leave it, you might do more damage than good...
Thanks for the replies. Someone elsewhere had the glue reply so maybe that is it. I am afraid of it gumming up my stylus.

What would I search for? Music Matters?

Have a fun eve,
Similar marks appear on my copy of the same record and cleaning had no affect. Happily, they have no sonic impact, and the record plays fine. Nice album.
Also possible is residue of the release agent used in pressing the record. A silicone based product will turn white when emulsified with water and after drying what you might see.

The glue thing sounds a bit hokie IMO.

This is most distressing.

Some folks are apparently having trouble with the link to the pic so here it is with the markup tags:


This is also discussed with another pic here:


Also in an older thread on this forum. Nobody has admitted to being able to remove it. Interesting Acoustic Sounds still has some. I may try to find my receipt and see if I bought it from them. Not only is Aja one of my all time favorite albums, this version is a collectable. I suppose I need to open the remaining sealed collectables I have to inspect them.


Thanks for all the response, I appreciate it,