Wow, this is overwhelming all the options and arms and catridges!!! so is there a book or something to read and get a better understanding of this type of system? I am thinking either rega p3 or I was told the marantz tt15 is a good table. as a beginner i assume its best to buy a complete table because it seems like it would be easy to buy a arm or something that didnt work for a particular table. What about cartidges are they designed for certain types of music? how do you know?
Get the Rega or Pro-Ject Xpression with Goldring 1012 or 1042 cartridge and read nothing more at this point.
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I agree with what's been said. Get a 'set it and forget it' table and start collecting vinyl. Amass a good sized collection before spending more money on gear. A lot of people make that mistake IMO.

However, I'll recommend something that goes against what I said...

But good vinyl cleaning stuff. I bought a KAB USA vacuum machine. Eafy worth the money. If you're going to buy a lot of vinyl, you'll need it. Get a hand held steam cleaner too. They're pretty cheap and can be used for more than just LPs.

As far as turntables go, I'd suggest either a Pro-Ject or Rega deck. The Pro-Ject Debut is s great entry level deck, but it doesn't stick around very long in people's systems. Most get the itch to upgrade pretty quickly. Not because it's a bad deck at all, it just is what it is. If you can swing an Xpression, skip a step and buy that IMO. I should have.

Haven't heard nor seen Rega's new RP-1. Looks interesting. It supposedly sounds better than the P2 did. If it's as good as people say it is, you can't go wrong with it IMO.

I've heard a lot of complaints about the Marantz deck. It's made by Clear Audio, which is pretty dependable, so it's got me a bit puzzled.
Last thing, and hopefully I'm not throwing too much out there...

If you're looking into a Pro-Ject Xpression, prepare to budget for a new cartridge immediately. The stock Sumiko Oyster is absolute garbage. Trust me, I lived with it for about a year. Didn't realize how truly bad it was until I upgraded the rest of my system and the cartridge.