Capacitors in Cary PH302 phono amp

I've just bought a S/H Cary PH302 mk-2 phono amp.
I noticed that the 2 caps near front tubes, C15 & C16, appear to be different to the caps shown in the pictures on the Cary website.
Upon closer inspection it appears that these may have been changed by a previous owner. See pic below:
Cary PH302 Capacitors

The substituted caps(?) are Multicap PPMFX types, 1.0uF/200V.
I found a capacitor test that rates these caps very poorly.
My question is what were the original capacitor types and value.
Any suggestions for substitution, other than original?
Hmm...Reb, the supplier I was buying the RTX from doesn't have 0.15uF listed, 0.10uF should be ok shouldn't it? Isn't the rule of thumb 1/10 main cap size?
They do have 0.22uF if you think that's more suited to bypass 1uF.
Tobes, high quality capacitors such as the Mundorf silver-oil in a relativly small 1uf value generally are not "candidates" for bypass as already they perform at a high level. However, this is a hobby and I encourage you to experiment. How else are you going to "learn" what works in a given piece of equipment?

The PPMFX perform as well as any SOA cap when bypassed with the proper bypass capacitor IME.

A .22UF RTX would be more suitable as a bypass on a 3-5UF cap IME. I would go ahead and order the .10UF RTX and use that as a bypass on the PPMFX.

What you should hear with the RTX bypass of the PPMFX is foremost a 3 dimensional soundstage (depth/width/height) That is the sonic signature of polystyrene. Secondly, the bass will take on greater definition and prat. While the highs will sound both more open and sweeter. Lastly, there will be more harmonic overtones and tonal depth.

I make extensive use of both polystyrene and teflon capacitor bypasses in my equipment- signal path and power supplies.
Well I substituted the Mundorf silver/oil for the PPMFX caps - Wow, really nice improvement!

The Mundorf's, with only 10-15 hours of play, are more transparent from top to bottom and have great extension and 'air' while offering more refinement. The Cary sounds gorgeous and seems to have gained more 'speed' and neutrality. Voices sound stellar. Best of all it sounds even more musically engaging.

PH302 with Mundorf S/O

FYI Reb, I never received a reply to my (email) order for the RTX caps. Perhaps I should have chosen a supplier with online sales(?). Anyway I'm more than happy with the Mundorf caps and I don't think I'd want to play with bypassing the PPMFX now.
Tobes, well done, Just to emphasize Rebs comment on bypassing, I would not recommend bypassing the Mundorf as they are built as 2 capacitors in one body with interleaved windings to minimize inductance. Bypassing would probably negate the design.