Rubber Washer VPI Scout

They mention that the table should be level but with the rubber washer around the spindle the record will not be level and pitched away from the spindle no matter how much you crank down on it. Would it make more sense to level the plinth where the tonearm is located?
Actually, I never used the standard VPI clamp; I used either the TNT weight, the TTW weight or one of the TTW clamps. I still don't understand how having a washer under the record will give a tighter contact than having the record flat on the platter.
I myself use a Herbies Grungebuster Washer that he specifically makes for the VPI Spindle.

With Harry's design, the whole affair was designed to work together. The circular depression in the Platter, the Washer, and the cupped face of the underside of Clamp.

But one cannot just blindly clamp the bejesus out of a record, thinking if a little is good, then more is better.

Over-clamping will actually make the record's edge again lift away from the Platter.

The variance of clamping pressure then allows one to best couple the record on a record to record basis. That you have to observe the record's edge while clamping as it begins to make contact with the outer edge, and perimeter of the Platter.

Yes, there's perhaps going to be the occasional instance of where slight warps, or funny dishing-cupping of the record will not permit this design to work optimally.
Probably one reason Harry then came along with the Periphery Ring for later model Turntables.

With Clamps-Weights such as the TTWeights designs, I understand these are not to be used with the Spindle Washer.
The records sound better to me with the rubber washer but they are not flat or level especially towards the inner grooves. The heavier clamp does make a tremendous difference in tracking and loweringthe noise floor. I am suprised more people do not not mention this. It is a huge difference to my ears. I just wish the rubber washer was thinner so the record would be level. Maybe there is a reason it is not level?
I think that one reason you still want to level the table is because of the inverted bearing design. By leveling it you are insuring the platter rides on the ball bearing and the sides of the bearing tube have no pressure on the spindle part of the bearing. Envision tilting the table to 45 degrees and running it. The bearing tube would be scraping on the spindle that contains the ball bearing on top. Make sense?

So do I want to level the table or the platter. Right now, the table plinth is level.