Rubber Washer VPI Scout

They mention that the table should be level but with the rubber washer around the spindle the record will not be level and pitched away from the spindle no matter how much you crank down on it. Would it make more sense to level the plinth where the tonearm is located?
As far as the rubber washer around the spindle. When I had my VPI I only used it on records that were 120 gram warped records. I found that 180gram warped records could crack around the spindle area if used and made too tight. It puts a slight concave so the warps are gone and the record is tight to the outside rim of the platter and yes the record will be slightly out or level. I never had an issue tracking a record when the washer was used.
I also think the concept was that instead of a vacume system this was the next best thing to remove warps and only to be used if the record was warped.
Markd51 pretty well nailed it above. The VPI washer/clamp system sounds very similar to the one on my Gyrodec and the key is to get an even distribution around the perimeter of the clamp as you install it and NOT to over clamp! You actually require very little rotation of the clamp to eliminate most warps and effectively couple the record to the platter.

With 180 and 200 gram records, take the washer off and don't use it but still use the clamp and do NOT overtighten.

I know the Michell clamp comes with no instructions (as a result many people upgrade-unnecessarily IMO-to the much more expensive Orbe clamp and threaded spindle) and it sounds like the VPI one doesn't either. Would be good if both Michell and VPI would include some written instruction on this as it's important.